Frequently Asked Questions
- Error When Adding a Payment Account
- Illinois: Lawfirm Registration Renewal Insufficient Permissions
- Contact Support
- Filing Party was Not Specified as a New Party or an Existing Party
- ERROR: Website Took Too Long to Load Due to a Proxy or Firewall
- ERROR 44: 'AccountTypeID'' Did Not Match Any Account Type
- ERROR: The Application is Configured to Issue Secure Cookies. These Cookies Require the Browser to Issue the Request Over SSL (https Protocol). However, the Current Request is Not Over SSL.
- ERROR: The DELETE Statement Conflicted with the REFERENCE Constraint 'FK_Document_Filing'. The Conflict in Database 'SRL', Table 'dbo.Document', column’FilingID’. The Statement has Been Terminated
- Error 170: Invalid Password
- I need to add more documents than the interview allows me to upload. What can I do?
- I am at the end of my interview and being prompted for payment. What do the different types of accounts mean?
- How do I file with a fee waiver for my interview?
- An interview question is required and I do not know the answer. What do I do?
- How do I contact the court?
- What is the Optional Service Fee in the Fees Section of my interview?
- Why Was My Filing Rejected or Returned?
- Who do I ask about my case status, court date, and other information about my case?
- What should I do if I get a summons or subpoena?
- I Was Unable to Find the Interview Needed to File My Paperwork. What Should I Do?
- I complete the survey and get an error at the end of the interview. What can I do to fix this error?
- Is this the only way I can E-File?
- I am getting a payment declined error when I click submit, what should I do?
- I Don't Have the Option to Submit These Documents. Why?
- Can I add more documents after I e-file?
- How does the Guide & File website work with the E-File & Serve website?
- What Does 'Submission Failed' Mean?
- How Do I Get To My Completed Interview Documents Again?
- How Do I Check the Status of Documents I eFiled?
- I viewed my documents but I need to make a change, how do I do that?
- What happens to the fees if my filing is Rejected or Submission has failed? I see a pending charge on my online statement.